
Friday, March 27, 2015

Teaching is a Turvy Topsy World

I cannot envision myself doing anything that isn't teaching.  Whether it's working with students or teachers, I love sharing and learning with others.  However, being a teacher can be weird and really wreak some havoc on your emotions and self esteem.   One hour you're flying high, and the next you're seriously questioning yourself.  That's OK though!  (at least that's what I try to remind myself)  Flying high and questioning both mean you're on the right track!  One means things are going well, the other means you care enough to want everything to go that well.  Here are some of my highs and lows from the week:

  • A lesson with one of my 1st/2nd groups of went swimmingly!  The kids were playing the new instruments we've only had since January and were having a ton of fun.  The music was recognizable and they could not wait to share it with their teacher.
  • After months of killing trees with grant paperwork, we got a new tuba on Friday!
  • I was able to present some of the AWESOME  things I learned at MACUL to staff at both buildings and people actually seemed excited to try some of it.
  • The 6th grade clarinets aren't quite realizing it, but they really are getting better at playing upper register notes, even if they don't believe me yet when I say so.
  • After unexpectedly being out of school on Tuesday, I got back glowing sub reports.
  • The high school students had a great time showing some students visiting from France this week their instruments and the technology projects they're working on.  There were still some language barriers, but everybody understood the universal language of Pacman, even if it was with a MakeyMakey.
  • My daughter loves to sing the theremin part for Doctor Who, which I'll absolutely count as a parenting win. (not school related, but we need to remember to celebrate non-school things too)
And now some less awesome moments:
  • The lesson that thoroughly exceeded my expectations with one group, completely flopped with another class that is the same age group.  Back to the drawing board for them.
  • After four tries and many students (both English and French) laughing at me while really messing up a French guest student's name, I finally gave up and pretended like I knew how to say it. 
  • I'll admit it.  I got bored teaching 3rd/4th grade a new song in their Recorder Karate book.  If I'm getting bored, that can't possibly bode well for how the students feel about it.  I need to find a way to refresh my recorder teaching and make it exciting for all of us again.
  • I completely missed a standing monthly meeting with one of my principals and the other specials teachers.  While being productive at one building, I didn't even realize I'd missed it until he sent notes out.  
  • Even though we've been playing together all year, I think I've underestimated the Junior High band.  They're playing two of the pieces I picked for the spring concert pretty well already, and our next performance is not until the end of April.  Hopefully the last piece I'm waiting on will provide the challenge they need or we're going to need something else.
  • Practice slips with the elementary bands are failing in an epic way this year.  Only a few students regularly turn them in, no matter what their grades show and how many reminders I provide.  Playing tests take up too much class time (I only get them about 45 min, two days a week) and practice slips aren't getting anywhere. How to get them to practice consistently?
Fails and wins are a part of working with people, especially when working with people that are still in the process of growing (physically and emotionally).  We just need to remember that failures are OK as long as we learn from them.  What were some of your memorable moments from the past week?

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