
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Teacher Food Groups

Starting this school year out has been amazing.  I'm absolutely loving my new position and all that it entails.  However, as the year has gone on, I've realized that there are things from my previous job that I missed being involved in.

Now that the year is in full swing, more committees and clubs are getting going.  It's amazing how jumping into just a few things in the last week or so has really helped me feel like I'm now officially a part of the school.  Though I now have fellow music colleagues that I interact with daily, being a music educator can often feel isolating.  Finding ways to work with other staff members that I wouldn't usually have a chance to team up with is important to me. 

Here are some of my favorite Food Groups that I sampled from this week.  These are things that keep me balanced, keep me involved, and keep me learning:
  1. Good music.  
    • Making music using quality literature with students is always my biggest priority.  One of the best moments this week was when I gave the 8th Grade Band a piece that I thought would be an enjoyable and easy addition to our December concert.  We all quickly realized that it was far too easy for the group.  The next choice I offered up was more of a challenge, but they took to it quickly and recognized its value.  Most of our order came in as well, which included a few of the students' selections.
  2. PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
    • I've seen firsthand the benefits of a solid PBIS program and was excited to be a part of one again.  The idea of being proactive and teaching a behavioral expectation rather than using a student's poor choices as a "Gotcha" is one I think should be utilized more often.  I'm looking forward to being a part of a team whose goal is to make positive impacts on students choices' and improve our overall school culture.
  3. Makerspace Club
    • After spending a good portion of my summer researching making, STEAM, design thinking, project ideas, etc., it was a bit of a letdown to suddenly be no longer working with students in that capacity.  Enter the new school Makerspace Club!  I was SO excited to see this new group being started by one of our media center specialists.  Thankfully, my over-excited enthusiasm hasn't annoyed her too much yet (I hope).  I got to help kids with MakeyMakeys and LittleBits and set up our Twitter account to start connecting with other makers. 
What about you?  What are some of the things you enjoy being a part of as an educator beyond your specific role?  I'd love to hear!

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