
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So I Have This Idea...(pt 5)

Well, our concert is in just over a week and here's where we stand:

  • Only two students applied to conduct at the concert. I was both surprised and disappointed that only two did the process even though so many students expressed interest. Both candidates are high quality, but the fact that they were the only two who applied was surprising.
  • Since a student will conduct, I've decided I'm going to play. While flute is my main instrument, I admit I've suffered from bass envy most of my musical career. I'll be playing baritone (both to improve my own chops as well as reinforce one of the smaller sections of the band) while our student conductor leads.
  • As it goes with most group projects, some groups have shared their material better than others. The approach the first group took of splitting up and checking with individual sections has been oft copied throughout this process. I was rather impressed with the last group that taught as they actually worked to teach their part rather than just go through it. This group happened to have a few students who study privately and they all shared some ideas to help the band count the triplets they were encountering in Star Wars. 
  • Sitting as a part of the band has reminded me of two things:
    • Playing music is fun! I don't get to actually play my instrument all that often anymore. Even though baritone is not my first instrument, it's been a lot of fun just playing as a part of the band.
    • Sitting while the person (people) at the podium talks for a long period of time is boring. I try to keep rehearsals fast paced, but even with that intent things can get bogged down when trying to fix a part or get a point across. If I'm sitting there with an instrument in my hands, I want to play it, not look at it. 
  • A tiny part of me is enjoying some of the frustrations that students are encountering when they're trying to share information, and the band is talking/making noise/just generally not paying attention. While I don't necessarily like that the band is being so inattentive at times, I'm hoping it will help them all better understand some of the things said and done from the podium during regular rehearsals.
  • After I get a second opinion on the applications, I'll appoint our student conductor next week so that they can rehearse with the band all week prior to our concert Thursday night.
  • I really want to do this again, but now that I've experienced all the disruptions this time of year holds (including five days lost for state testing), I think I'll either try  it earlier next year (maybe the December concert) or start it sooner next spring.
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Please share below!

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