
Monday, September 5, 2016

Savoring the Silence

I'm not anti-social or an introvert. I'm actually a pretty textbook definition of ambivert.

But I like quiet.

Considering that I'm a middle school band teacher with classes of 40+ kids playing big, expensive noise makers, who are still developing the ability to control their volume (when they play their instruments too), I know how ridiculous that comes across.

From 7AM until 6PM there are kids in my room. Students come in at least half an hour before school starts, my partner teaches a section of 6th grade band during my prep, and the after school program (latchkey) is housed in the band room.

After school I spend the remainder of the evening with my three year old who is never lacking in silly and imaginative things to talk about. By the time she exhausts the last of her seemingly endless energy reserves and finally falls asleep, I'm out cold on the couch.

This is why I eat lunch in my office most days. It's why I usually either listen to sports radio or nothing on the way home (especially in that first month of beginning band). It's why I've even avoided using Voxer as a learning tool.

Those peaceful moments are few and far between. When they do come I take that time to recharge and decompress.

So that's why on this last day of summer, I'll probably do a little work. But I'm also going to sit on the deck, read a book, watch the birds, hang out with my daughter, and savor the last bits of silence before the awesome noise of school begins again.

1 comment:

  1. This describes my life so perfectly! I often get asked, "As a music teacher, what kind of music do you like to listen to?" And my honest answer is...none. I listen to sports talk radio or nothing in the car. After hearing music (or at least musical sounds) all day long, my ears and brain just need a break! Wishing you a great day of silence and calm before the fun of the school year begins again!
