
Sunday, November 6, 2016

An Outside Perspective

Monday was Halloween. Kids were particularly...spirited. I was feeling grouchy due to a night of minimal sleep, feeling overwhelmed finishing grades for the end of the marking period, and yet another rough morning convincing my three year old that not only does she have to wear more than the over-sized t-shirt she slept in to go to preschool, but that Mommy also has to be to work by a specific time.

We were working on a piece we'd only looked at a couple of times before, it was not going well...and my principal came by for a pop in observation.

And all I could think of was everything going wrong.

via GIPHY  Me, on Monday. Minus the fez. Though I do hear that fezzes are cool.

Most days I love to have visitors come in. The students always find a little extra focus and enjoy a chance to show off what they've been working on. Monday was not one of those days.

Tuesday I came in to find some feedback in my mailbox. I threw it in with the rest of my mail and waited until I got back to my office to check it.

I should have looked sooner.

Where I saw a chaotic space, she saw an inviting environment. When the students and I both made mistakes, she complimented risk taking. When we were having a typical conversation about how to better align parts, she heard music specific language and vocabulary. And where I saw an every day band class, she saw engaged, hands on learning.

Though I know having a guest in the room it has its value, like so many others, I forget to take my own advice.  As a teacher and a musician, I sometimes forget to look at the good things my kids are doing. The day is spent on so many small details needed for improvement that I lose sight of the forest through the trees. Outside perspectives can really bring back focus on the positives, refresh your outlook, and bring the big picture back into focus.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this moment...I've been there. Especially because I HAVE heard about a chaotic space, mistakes, and boring rehearsal techniques from before. How encouraging that she was able to reframe what she saw (and what we see in our classrooms every day)! Tomorrow's another Monday...hope it's a great one :-)!
