Thursday, September 21, 2017

Making Space

I feel like I should write something, but I can't seem to brain together a solid post. Too many random thoughts and ideas bouncing around. I'm hoping that maybe if I just write them all down, it'll make some space to let one of them grow some more.

  • I'm hoping that the relative smoothness to the start of the year is due to the combination of families and I getting to know each other and improvements on my teaching/communication...and not the calm before some (wackier than normal) storm. Excuse me while I go knock on wood and maybe throw some salt over my shoulder.
  • All four of my field placement (pre-student teachers) came to school this week. I'm excited to learn with them  over the course of the semester. My colleague is also working with a full time student teacher this semester, so I'm looking forward to learning about mentoring a new teacher second hand a little too.
  • My organizational skills still need work, but they're improving. While the vast majority of any information or assignments this year will be online, color coding copies of things like permission slips or supply order forms is making it a lot easier to track the paper we do use. I also got rid of my desk and downsized to one just large enough for our new laptops and some space for my phone. Less desk space equals less space to put stuff I don't need.
  • Any guilt over not checking or responding to emails after school or over the weekend is really diminishing. Unless it's something major, it can wait. My work/home line needs to become a little clearer. There's no way to totally avoid doing school work at home, but better limits will help keep it from taking over. 
  • Now that things are rolling, I want to revisit class jobs. This flopped last year but I want to try it again. Students will apply this year instead of being voluntold. 
  • I'm glad I get to teach multiple grade levels within my day. K-12 was a bit excessive, but 6-8 gives me enough variety in my day so I don't feel like I'm teaching from a script by the end of my day.
  • How do I keep my brass players, especially low brass around? We start a good number in 6th Grade but both the 7th and 8th Grade Bands are pretty woodwind heavy. I try and find good music for low brass, and demo often on baritone but something's not clicking for them. 
And I think that's it for now. Nothing earth shattering. But there it is.

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