Sunday, November 18, 2018


Last Friday I didn't say goodbye to my students as they came in to get their instruments for the weekend. I was tired. Even though it had been a short week with kids due to PD and election day, I'd been going nonstop since the weekend before, including traveling on Monday and Tuesday. As they came in and out I worked in my office. I could see them, and said bye to a few, but didn't come out and make contact as they left.

One week later I made sure to come out of my office and give kids a wave, smile, and see you later. I will always regret not doing it the week before, because we lost a student last Friday night.

This has been one of the hardest weeks of my career and I'm sure there will still be challenging days ahead. I am still sad and angry and all the other emotions associated with grief but the past several days have also left me with a feeling of gratitude.

Gratitude that I work in a place where people understood that the band kids would need a little extra support.

Gratitude for friends at school who gave hugs when wanted and space when not.

Gratitude for amazing students who kept playing with wobbly chins and tears in their eyes.

Gratitude to the student's family for thinking of our band program in such a dark time.

Gratitude for the opportunity to make music with kids and have a positive impact on their lives and experiences.

Honestly, I don't know where to go with this post but to say love your kiddos, both the ones you teach and the ones you may live with. A student I hugged this week laughed/cried saying she never thought she'd be getting a hug from me. It was another reminder in a week of them to keep being human and remember we're teaching kids first, music second.

And smile and wave when they take the time to come back to your space at the end of the day.

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