Saturday, March 14, 2020

An Abundance of Downtime

So everything is cancelled until further notice and we'll all be spending some a lot more time at home in the coming weeks to slow and prevent the spread of COVID-19. The "abundance of caution," as we've all probably heard from local and national organizations is creating a lot of unplanned downtime for a lot of people, and rightfully so! It's important for everyone to take every precaution we can to protect our family, friends, and communities. These steps are our best options to help medical professionals keep control over a terrifying situation.

I live in Michigan where school has been closed for the next several weeks. Again, I understand why, but the prospect of basically staying home for at least month is a bit daunting.

So I'm coming up with some projects, one of which is asking for suggestions of music by diverse composers.

Last year some additional downtime due to the Polar Vortex found me writing this post which shared this spreadsheet that people kindly added music suggestions on for us to add to the MSBOA State List.

With some unexpected time available once again, I'd love to start gathering literature ideas from my music colleagues outside of Michigan! What is something awesome by a diverse and/or living composer your groups have played recently? Please share titles here.

Are you a teacher in Michigan and an MSBOA member? Sweet! Please fill out the MSBOA form here.

Most importantly, take care of yourselves. Follow CDC guidelines. And wash your hands.

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