Monday, August 6, 2018

It's That Time Again!

The last few summers I've set some big school related goals for my time between school years.

This year I did not.

And that's OK.

The school year combined with outside life stuff left me a little fried and I was ready for a break. So I took one. Aside from a few things here and there, I've done basically nothing related to school.

Here's what I have done:
  • Read. I've been going to the library and checking out 4-6 books at a time. If a book didn't capture my interest in the first 100 or so pages, I ditched it and picked up another. I wish I'd kept a list because there have been plenty that really drew me in. The librarian in Young Adult recommended several that she thought would be big with my students including Warcross, and The Hate U Give. I've read books based on historical fact (Lilac Girls and Cleopatra's Daughter). Spy novels (The Spellman Files). Romantic comedy (The Rosie Effect). It's definitely been a bit of everything and I've loved it.
  • Finished a backyard project. Late last summer I started replacing the garden of weeds my frustrated neglect cultivated with a paver and river pebble border. I picked it back up and finally finished it this summer. On to my next project of getting a spot ready for a pondless waterfall. It won't be finished this year, but it'll be ready to go for the next!
  • Worked in the garden. Planting. Weeding. Fertilizing. Trimming. Watering. Weeding some more. Most days have ended with me being sweaty and dirty and it's been awesome. 
  • Yoga. My sister completed her yoga teacher training last winter and has been offering classes in my area. I've been going weekly with my daughter to a Yoga for the Young class and to a yoga and wine class she offers in conjunction with a physical therapy clinic that raises money for local families and organizations. I can't quite touch my toes yet, but I'm getting closer and noticing less hip and back discomfort.
  • Spent too much time on my phone. Not my proudest activity. But it's true and I always try to be honest here. On the upside my constant trolling of Pinterest has led to some fun new recipes that I've tried this summer. And my Facebook addiction connected me with some cool projects like the Composer Diversity Project! This has also inspired me to find some kind of hobby I can do with my hands. Maybe knitting or crocheting? A lot of my screen time comes at the end of the day when I'm watching TV after Kiddo has gone to bed. Something else to do with my hands would really cut that down.
  • Spent time with the Kiddo. We might be a little tired of each other at this point in the summer, but it's nice to be together at times of day when we don't have to be anywhere. During the school year our day starts with early alarms and trying to get out the door on time and ends with dinner/bedtime after school. Because we're tired at both times of day, we're often at our most contentious. We've relaxed, watched TV, worked on bike riding skills, gone to the beach, visited the library, walked the dogs, and just generally enjoyed days with no schedule. We've got just a few weeks left and plan on doing all of those things right up until she starts her Kindergarten adventures.
Today is August 6. I go back for official PD on August 28. With the break from all things school though, I'm ready for The Crazy to begin again. I'm finally getting to a point in my career and life where I can love my job, but also feel minimal guilt about stepping away to recharge for a bit like I may have before. Teachers are human and I'm certainly no exception.

So it's time! Not necessarily for the really fun stuff yet, but for all the prep work to be ready and at my best for my students and colleagues. Here's to what will hopefully be an awesome year for all!

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